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The Marks of a Christian - Vengeance is Mine

Writer: David and Marilynn ChadwickDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

Our lives as Christ-followers should have outward marks, which enable others to sense that we are different. Set apart. Living in the world, but not of the world. One such mark is leaving vengeance to the Lord – a multifaceted command. One that He speaks to us: “‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord” (Romans 12:19).  The same message is given in Deuteronomy 32:35.  Jesus seems to say the same thing in Matthew 5:44. Our Father in His Word repeatedly addresses vengeance. Something a parent does naturally when teaching a child a very important rule. Our Daddy seems to be doing the same thing here – repeatedly telling us in a variety of ways to leave vengeance to Him. God owns vengeance. He calls it “mine.” In Scripture, there are only a few things God refers to as “mine.” Like creation (Psalm 24:1). And the tithe (Leviticus 27:30). They, like vengeance, belong solely to God. Friends, we must release all vengeance to God. Tell Him: "This hurt is yours!” “You own it!” “You’ve promised to take care of it!"  “I give it to you.” It is God’s possession. It is His to oversee and deliver. And He will do so justly when we obediently leave it to Him.  Our job is simply to trust our loving heavenly Daddy. Remember, when someone hurts you, leave vengeance in its Owner’s perfect hands.  It belongs to God alone.

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