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Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

Teach Your Children Well

My own personal passion for caring for my neighbor has been in my heart for as long as I can remember.  From where did it come?  First, there is something innate within me prompting me to love my neighbor because the image of God is stamped on my heart and theirs. Yet I think it goes much deeper than that. Jesus’ life within me prompts me to love as he loves.  And Jesus’ heart is concerned for all people.  Therefore, so must mine be.  Since the Holy Spirit who lives in me loves others so much, so must I!  That love proves Jesus’s love in me. But I often wonder if I really received my passion for loving others from my dad.  Long ago, he sowed seeds into my heart about the need to love my neighbors.  As a pastor, I watched him constantly care for others.  He helped build a center in Orlando, Florida that has fed over a million people in the last decade. Dad modeled for me the love of Jesus - especially toward my neighbor. Parenting is an important calling from God.  My personal adjuration to all parents is this: Teach your children well about the need to care for their neighbors - all of God’s children - as they care for themselves. Take your children with you when you love the poor in your city.  Take them with you on mission trips.  Build into their hearts passion for all neighbors - both locally and globally.  It’s an important way you teach them well about your love for Jesus. It’s also one of the most powerful blessings you can pass on to your children. Believe me, they are watching you. As I was watching my dad.

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