by Marilynn Chadwick
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me (John 10:27 NIV).
Train your children to hear God’s voice. Find creative ways to teach them God’s Word. Songs and memory verses are great. But they also need to learn how to apply biblical principles to the problems they encounter in the world. Toss out opportunities for them to think biblically. This will also help them listen for God’s calling on their life—their dreams.
A very astute older friend whose children were grown once gave me some advice I have always taken to heart. “I helped my kindergartners deal with the problems they faced on a kindergarten level. Then, each successive year, I taught them to learn to look at life from a biblical worldview for that age level. So by the time they were in high school, they were well-practiced at confronting a secular world view.” And, I would add, our children learned to see the people around them who did not believe in Jesus as friends to be won for Christ. Not enemies to be avoided.
Regardless of the educational direction your children take, whether secular school, Christian school or homeschool, they need to hear God’s voice. They need regular, ongoing, consistent communication about Jesus and God’s Word.
I felt comfortable with our children being out in the world once I sensed that they had learned to hear God’s voice for themselves. They accepted Jesus at an early age and were learning how to apply God’s truth. I was always involved in their schools and their friendships, and set clear boundaries. At times, our rules were stricter than those of their friends—and that was okay.
As I mentioned earlier, we included our children in our own faith walk. We encouraged them to pray for some of the issues we faced as a family. Children are realists. They pray in specifics and notice when prayers are answered. They’re also honest about the pain of unanswered prayers. Jesus loves children for lots of reasons, including their unfiltered honesty. As our oldest grandchild Anna Grace once reminded me, “Jesus loves children because we are so fun to play with!”
This Moment of Hope is adapted from Woman of Valor by Marilynn Chadwick (Eugene: Harvest House, 2017). Click here to download a free PDF copy of Woman of Valor. If you enjoyed today's Moment of Hope feel free to forward this email or share this link with a friend so they can sign up to receive a Moment of Hope every day.