For the remainder of July, you will see some of our favorite blogs from earlier in the year. As we are in a month of rest and revival, we hope you enjoy these reminders.
I am handing you a different key each day to learn how to access the powerful presence of God through prayer. When doors seem to be locked, God desires for us to learn how to open them. His Word gives us so many insights that can guide us as we pray.
Another key to powerful prayer: persistence.
One definition of persistence is “firm or obstinate continuance in course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.”
Yesterday we looked at Matthew 7:7-11. Jesus explains truths about God’s goodness as a Father. The verb tense used in that passage is the imperfect, which means continual. The asking, seeking, and knocking here is meant to be persistent. Continual. Never giving up. Relentless.
We admire persistence in people’s stories that lead to success. Stories where people pursue something and finally succeed. Persistence is at the heart of a champion. If the power of persistence is true in the natural world, how much more must it be true in the spiritual world – especially through prayer!
When you are persistent in prayer, it shows God both your desire and your faith. Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” When you are delighting, or finding joy in the Lord, your desires end up being his desires. This ensures your requests are aligned with his heart and will. With what is best for you. If it’s not, and you are delighting in him, trust that he will tell you.
If you know God has promised you something, keep asking. Keep seeking. Keep knocking.
And don’t ever give up!