Watching the disciples gives us another key for how to pray. The only thing the disciples ever asked Jesus to teach them how to do was to pray. They saw his power and concluded it was a result of his prayer life. When asked, Jesus answered, “When you pray, pray like this.” Notice he says WHEN you pray. Not if. He expected his disciples to pray. He knew it was an integral part of intimacy with the Father. From there, Jesus gives them a recipe for how to pray. This week, we will look at each line of the Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6:9-13, a recipe for how to pray. Each line serves as another key. I want you to learn how to pray. And then I want you to pray. “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.” Start by talking to God as your Father. Your Daddy. A good Daddy. Loving. Kind. Faithful. Remember reading Matthew 7:7-11 last week? We saw how God loves to give good gifts to his children. While he is good and kind, he is also holy. Set apart. Different than we are. He is in heaven and we must enter his presence with awestruck wonder and respect. Confessing our sins as needed. Receiving his grace in abundance. Yes, he is your close friend and Daddy. But he is also awesome and sovereign. We must embrace the fullness of his nature. Carrying a deep appreciation for his authority, yet having the confidence that we can crawl into his lap just like a child would with a good earthly Father. This analogy might help you appreciate the differing attributes of the Father. God made both male and female in his image (Genesis 1:27). Each one carries a unique expression and gives a different glimpse of God. Similarly, there are attributes of the Father that are very different from one another. His mercy and justice. His grace and truth. His love and holiness. But as you experience and embrace all of him, you will experience LIFE and LIFE ABUNDANTLY (John 10:10). This holy and gracious Daddy is how you begin to pray. Knowing these attributes should encourage a fervor to pray! Begin your time with God by recognizing and worshiping everything that he represents. All prayer must begin here.
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