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Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

Key Doctrines of the Faith: Anthropology

by David Chadwick

Today, we wrap up our first week’s exploration of some of the key doctrines of the Christian faith. These foundational truths are meant to help followers of Jesus stand confidently against the wiles of the enemy.

The doctrine of humanity, also referred to as anthropology, is today’s key.

We know from Genesis 1:26-27 that humans were created in the image of God. Different and unique from all other animals in creation. Male and female. The crown of God’s creation.

Humans are the crown of God’s creation. Adam and Eve were given dominion over all the world. They were called to dress, till, keep the land. To name and oversee all of the animals. To work the land because work was a good gift God gave humanity. “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it” (Genesis 2:15). Adam was given mental and manual labor to do.

Some note that humans were originally created a little less than the angels (Psalm 8). But after the Fall, and Jesus’s entrance into the world and redemptive rescue mission, this all changed. Now, we have not only been saved, but adopted into God’s family as his sons and daughters, thus lifting us up above the angels in God’s mind.

God loves us. He created us to share in the love that the Trinity knew among one another. This is why he created the angels as well. To expand his love.

Can you imagine how much he loves us to have created us in the first place? Now, think about the kind of love that would go beyond that to send his son, Jesus, to rescue us and establish us permanently into his family as his adopted children! Heirs of every eternal possession he has!

Understanding anthropology, the doctrine of humanity, should make the other doctrines we talked about this week come alive even more! Divine love displayed through the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit invading broken humanity. What an incredible story!

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