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Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

I Came: To Preach the Gospel

by David Chadwick

Jesus came for many reasons. From the cradle to the cross. To bring life. To destroy the works of the devil. To bring light. To judge.

Finally, he came to preach the gospel!

In Mark 1:38, Jesus said, "Let us go on to the next towns, that I may preach there also, for that is why I came out."

Jesus gives us yet another reason why he “came out” of the beauty of heaven to enter the mess of this world: to preach the gospel. To preach the kingdom of God.

Preaching is a valuable asset to the soul of any believer. To encourage, exhort, challenge, and strengthen. It is imperative for all who follow Jesus to find a gospel-centered and kingdom-oriented church where the preacher unabashedly preaches God's Word and truth. We are not to be ashamed of the gospel (Romans 1:16).

Preaching is also one of the ways that God calls lost souls to be saved.

How will people know the good news of Jesus unless there are preachers willing and able to preach? Romans 10:14-15, "And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent?" Verse 15 goes on to say how blessed are the feet of those who proclaim the good news of the gospel.

How beautiful Jesus's feet must have been! And think of missionaries who go into really hard places, where the gospel has never been preached before, risking their own lives because they know the value of eternal souls for Jesus. Their feet are immeasurably beautiful as well.

It's becoming increasingly difficult to find preachers who will boldly and courageously stand before a congregation and say, "Thus says the Lord." But they are there. Find one. Settle in that body. Pray for the preacher: his protection, boldness, and commitment to Christ. And stand by him as he stands for Jesus and the preaching of the gospel.

And pray for places where you, too, can proclaim the gospel. Places where you can be sent to be Jesus's voice of truth. Where your feet are beautiful as well!

Jesus CAME to preach the gospel. He wants you to do the same!

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