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Hope for the New Year - We Don't Know What the Future Holds But We Do Know Who Holds the Future

Writer: David and Marilynn ChadwickDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

Here we are in a brand new year. What is going to happen in the next moments? Days? Months? Years? No one knows.

Ralph Abernathy said, “I don’t know what the future may hold, but I know who holds the future.” This quote could not be more true. Especially in these times.

We don’t know what the future holds. Without a deep, abiding faith in Jesus, this could easily create panic, fear, and despair. But as followers of Jesus, we have a different story. We do know who holds our future.

We can have peace in storms, calm in chaos, victory in battle. All because of the saving grace of Jesus that has grafted us into the family of God.

God. Our Father. Our Creator.

He began the world (Genesis 1:1) and he will end the world (Revelation 1:8).

He works everything for good.

He has a good plan.

He is the Alpha and Omega - the Beginning and the End.

What an incredible opportunity we have to release hope to those around us right now! Share the message of Jesus with boldness and love.

I believe people are longing for answers and are open to receiving salvation! Speak of this man who died on a cross to save you and me FROM an eternity in hell and FOR a kingdom purpose on this side of eternity.

His name is Jesus.

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