Faithful friends are hard to come by and the ones you find are worth keeping.
Paul had a faithful friend named Epaphroditus who he describes in detail in Philippians 2:25. I pray that Paul’s description helps to show you what characteristics to look for in your friendships.
Epaphroditus was a brother, a fellow worker, a fellow soldier, and a messenger. And today we will look at the fifth and final characteristic where Paul calls Epaphroditus “your minister to my needs” (verse 25).
Epaphroditus was a minister of the church at Philippi, sent to Paul in a Roman prison to meet his needs.
Please note that Epaphroditus did not come with what he thought Paul needed. He had not made a predetermined list of what he believed Paul should have. He went to Rome in humility to find out from Paul what his actual needs were. Then he committed to try and meet them.
That’s what good and close friends do. They come to you and listen. They try to hear your heart and then meet your needs. They do not have an agenda for your life. They want to see you succeed and thrive.
In fact, one of Paul’s teachings in Ephesians 4:29 says, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs.”
Good friends don’t come and pontificate or preach. They come to listen. Sometimes you don’t even need to say anything! You listen. Then respond.
This was Epaphroditus to Paul. He was a minister of Jesus who was sent by the Philippian church to care for Paul’s needs. But first he understood them. He even risked his life in coming to serve Paul (verse 29). But that’s how much he loved Paul. How we all need friends like this!