How many of you have a faithful friend? Someone who loves you, champions you, and desires God’s best for your life. Or maybe you are blessed enough to have two, three, or even more! Faithful friends are hard to come by and can only be proven through seasons of both trials and victories.
The apostle Paul had a friend like this. His name was Epaphroditus and you’ll find their story in Philippians 2:25-30. Paul described him in verse 25 as his “brother and fellow worker and fellow soldier, and your messenger and minister to my need.”
Epaphroditus came from Philippi to bring Paul a gift of encouragement when Paul was in prison, most likely in Rome, around 62 AD.
Paul genuinely loved and respected Epaphroditus. Paul used five terms to describe their friendship, the first one being “my brother” (Philippians 2:25). A faithful friend feels almost like a family member, and in some cases can even be better than a family member!
Although not biologically related, upon their salvation, Epaphroditus and Paul shared the same royal blood lineage of Jesus.
My family brother, Howard, was a dear friend for years until he passed away a couple of years ago. Our family connection made us naturally close. But his love for Jesus was what made our connection especially impactful. It was our royal blood connection that made our love for one another even deeper and something that will last for eternity.
Paul and Epaphroditus did not have the same family, but they shared a common love and commitment to Jesus. They were members of the family of God. They both knew God as their “Daddy” in heaven.
We all need an Epaphroditus! Friends in the church like he was to Paul. Brothers and sisters in Christ who can spur us on as we run this race.
With God as our Daddy, Jesus as our big brother, the family of God is the most powerful agent of hope to the world! When you have a friend like Epaphroditus was to Paul, you have a friend indeed!