Do you feel as if - in one situation or another - you’re almost always under attack by the enemy? If so, then you should rejoice!
It’s this simple: The more influence you have for the Lord and his kingdom, the more frequently the enemy comes after you.
Or said another way: The greater the level, the greater the devil.
The devil knows his time on earth is short (Rev. 12:12). With every passing day he knows his doom is certain. So he focuses his attacks on those who will have the most impact on God’s kingdom.
Therefore, be constantly aware and alert. Know that Jesus goes before us and is also our rear guard. Put on the full armor of God each and every day (Eph. 6:10-20).
Lasty, keep moving forward. As you trust in the Lord, the victory is yours. It’s promised. You are more than a conqueror in Jesus (Rom. 8:37).
The next time you’re feeling attacked, be encouraged! Indeed, thank God for it. Praise him. You have been deemed important by the enemy.
Then remind yourself of this truth: The greater the level, the greater the devil.