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Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

Davidisms - A Leadership Truth: Always Be Willing to Do What You Ask Others to Do

Jesus told his disciples that they were not greater than their master (John 13:16). What happens to him will happen to them.

Jesus was giving his followers a warning. As he gave his life for them, they must be willing to give their lives for him.

Of those listening to Jesus, all but one died a martyr’s death. The other one, John, died after living into his 90’s. But only after he suffered a great deal for following Jesus.

Jesus lived and practiced this great leadership truth: Leaders must always be willing to do what they ask of others.

A good leader fights in the battle with his followers, until their eventual success.

In Genesis 17, Abraham practiced this leadership principle. He was asked by God to circumcise all in his camp. This included men of all ages. It was not a particularly fun or painless experience.

But what’s particularly interesting is that Abraham was circumcised himself. At the age of 99! Can you imagine?

He practiced this leadership principle: He did what he asked of others.

This truth transcends time. It promotes positive leadership. Good followership.

And it allows tasks to be successfully completed!

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