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  • Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

8 Great Ways to Honor Your Wife: Becoming One

Remember the definition of honor: “to regard with great respect, to prize, to admire, to give special recognition, to demonstrate high respect or great esteem for someone.” What a rich and powerful word! I have spent the past two weeks giving husbands tools for how they can honor their wives. We wrap up our journey today. I pray these “8 Greats” give you practical ways to interact with your wife and bring honor into your marriage. By the way, next week Marilynn will do the same with you wives: 8 Great ways to honor your husbands. We see the theme of honor interwoven throughout the Bible (Exodus 20:12, Romans 12:10, 1 Peter 3:7). It is clearly important to the heart of the Father. Let’s look back on the “8 Great Ways to Honor Your Wife.”

  1. Trust Her Gut

  2. Be a Man of God

  3. Encourage Her Gifts

  4. Respect Her Opinion

  5. Ask This Question Often: “How is Your Heart?”

  6. Share Your Heart

  7. Be a Guardian and Gardener

  8. Use Words Wisely

I believe that if you lead the way and start to put these tools into practice, you will see a culture of honor increase in your marriage and your home. Romans 12:10 says, “Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.” It’s the one place in the Bible where we are called to compete with one another: in giving honor! Imagine what will happen if you and your wife begin to try and outdo one another in honor. Love will increase. The home will get healthier. Jesus will be glorified. The goal of marriage is to see two very different, unique, special individuals become one. As two become one, biblical marriage becomes the most beautiful reflection of the love between Jesus Christ and the bride. Let’s reclaim honor in our marriages! It is essential to accomplishing this goal of two becoming one and seeing the Gospel of Jesus displayed through our lives.

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