Hope Little Kids
(Birth - Kindergarten)
Sunday worship:
9:00a and 11:00a | Providence Square
Moments of Hope Church is dedicated to coming alongside you to help you raise your children in the Lord. Hope Kids (children's ministry) is available for birth - kindergarten during Sunday services.
Serve with Hope Kids!​
Are you interested in helping with our Hope Little Kids on Sundays?
We are looking for team members and substitutes:
Parents: join us here! We believe that you are the primary spiritual influence on your children, and we seek to support you with resources and encouragement.
We offer Hope Kids (children's ministry) for birth - kindergarten during our in-person service on Sundays.
Child dedication is the parent’s commitment, before God and the MOHC church family, to raise their child according to God’s Word and for His glory.
Weekly Resources
Happy December Parents!
Wow! What a wonderful year we have had at MOHC. We are so thankful for all of you and the privilege to partner with you. From the classrooms on Sundays, to the quarterly preschool gatherings, it has been such a joy getting to know your Littles and all of you. We look forward to what God has in store for 2025 for our MOHC families.
This month, we’re taking a look at the ultimate Show and Tell. God showed the world how much He loves us by giving us Jesus. That is what we celebrate at Christmas, and that is what we will continue to show the world through our actions and tell with our words.
In our Bible Story this week, our Little Kids will hear how on the night Jesus was born, there were shepherds in a field taking care of their sheep. The angel tells the shepherds that Jesus, God’s Son, has been born. The shepherds are so excited they run to see baby Jesus. Then, the shepherds run to tell everyone that Jesus, God’s Son, is born.
Why is Jesus special? Jesus is God’s Son.
Make it personal with your Little Kid by sharing a time you told someone about Jesus. Have your Little Kid make a card sharing the good news that Jesus was born on Christmas and have them send it or give it to someone to spread the good news.
Merry Christmas!​
Kate Otto, Brooke Thomas & Stephanie Nehlsen
Week of DEC 15
Monthly Memory Verse:
“God has given a son to us.” Isaiah 9:6, NCV
Key Question:
Why is Jesus Special?​
Bottom Line
Jesus is God's Son​
Basic Truth
God loves me.
Bible Story:
The shepherds run to see Jesus and then run to tell everyone about Jesus. (The Shepherds) • Luke 2:8-20