by David Chadwick
In a world full of cowards, God’s courageous ones stand out! We are drawn to men and women of courage.
Today, let’s talk about what it means to be a man of courage.
There are so many stories that give us keys and principles for how to live godly, courageous lives. If yesterday’s insight displayed what happens when faithless, wimpy men release fear and lack of courage over situations, today’s insight will show what happens when men of courage step up to the plate.
The ten spies were so scared of the giants and of the walled cities in the land. They were told the land they were being given was God’s PROMISED land and yet they let their fear overtake them. This fear led to 40 years of wandering in the wilderness.
But wait a minute. There were 12 spies, right? Not ten? Exactly! Yesterday I only mentioned ten names. Ten names who have been forgotten due to their cowardice. But there were two more men I didn’t mention. Men of courage. Let’s look at them now.
Joshua and Caleb. Two men of courage who remained faithful in spite of the bad reports. Unlike the other ten spies, these are two commonly used names even today. In fact, two of my grandsons are named Joshua and Caleb.
Caleb in the Bible was 85 when he entered the Promised Land and he wanted the area where the giants lived! He knew his God was greater than any giant. Joshua was around 75-80 years old and he replaced Moses as Israel’s leader. He is the one who said that as for he and his house, he would serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15).
Here is your insight for today. Live like men of courage. With great faith. Fortitude. Passion. Men like Caleb and Joshua.
Follow their character as they follow God’s heart! Nations are changed by men like this! And be sure to name your kids after men like this, honoring the great legacy of biblical men of courage!