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Avodah aims to impact the next generation to work, serve, and worship the Lord.


6th - 8th Grade


9th - 12th Grade


18-30 year olds

Avodah (Hebrew: עֲבוֹדָה), "to work, serve, worship" • Avodah (Hebrew: עֲבוֹדָה), "to work, serve, worship" • Avodah (Hebrew: עֲבוֹדָה), "to work, serve, worship" • Avodah (Hebrew: עֲבוֹדָה), "to work, serve, worship" 

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AVODAH: What does it mean?

In the original Hebrew, Avodah (uh-VOH-duh) means to work, to serve, and to worship. In God’s economy, work, service, and worship are one and the same.  When we work, we are worshipping.  When we worship, we are serving. When we serve, we are working.


The English language really misses the depth of meaning that can be found in the original Biblical languages. We only understand “work” to mean one thing, whereas in Biblical languages the meanings of words are vast and rich.  


Looking back to God’s original intent in Genesis 2:15, we see that His heartbeat was for us to walk with the presence of the Lord all the days of our lives and to let that permeate every fiber of our being. When humanity fell prey to sin in Genesis 3, we fractured God’s design for our lives. The Creator of the world doesn’t want a compartment of our lives or a time slot of our days. He wants all of us at all times! If Jesus Christ is our firm foundation, we will advance knowing that His love, grace, and power will never fail us.

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